Digital Advertising

Digital Display


Utilize digital display (banners and pre-roll) to generate large amounts of reach and frequency among the target audience

Banner Ads

Increases reach and frequency of messaging as well as provides ability to retarget based on consumer on-site behavior

  • Does the “heavy lifting” of conversion


Provides sight and sound of TV messaging in non-skippable environment aligned to content consumer finds engaging

  • Utilizes non-skippable media placements
  • Builds the awareness leading to successful conversion numbers
  • Increases reach and frequency of TV advertising, when applicable

Mobile GEO-Targeting


Target locations related to the target audience (i.e. doctor’s offices or Dialysis centers)

  • Geo-fence (create radius target) around locations relevant to the audience and/or competitors’ locations
  • Combine the geo-targeting with the demo and behavioral signals specific to the target audience
  • Serve ads in mobile and in-app environments

Facebook & Instagram


Highly targeted paid social media promotion ensures ads are in front of your prospects.

Utilize custom creative to break through the clutter and generate leads either directly on Facebook or on the website

  • Combining a mix of Facebook specific video and/or stand alone “Facebook only” offer-based image ads
  • Uses a combination of interest, and geo-targeting to reach prospective clients